WR High school Assistant Principal Jason Campbell Shared the history and future intentions of this remarkable school! 12/18
Our guests today (12/4), WR High school Stem program. Exceptional students at all grade levels. Chuck Sprague is the founder and director of this great curriculum.
Our morning Optimist breakfast meeting the day before thanksgiving ~ Great camaraderie! 11/27
Our very own Optimist member shared his 3 week journey visiting Portugal recently ~ Thank you Chris Weinike 11/20
Barbara Dank, District JOI Club chairperson & VP of Boulder Luncheon Optimist Club was our speaker today, 11/13.
WR Optimist speaker today- commander Lucas Hunt 11/6
Elliott Holm’s WR Gifted & Talented kids 10/30
Guest speaker today Tyler Kerr sharing the business : “Clear Creek Makerspace” Provides tools and training on how to build things. 10/23
First Responder Awards West Metro Fire Rescue - Captain Kevin Reichenbach, Cory Loupee, Clay Davis, Chuck Rapp, Lawrence Schulte, Tanner Balzer, Paul Ondr, Tyler Finley, Austyn Onstott, Ian Parker 10/9
Newest member David Friede 10/2
April & Gale- Receiving “Star fish award “ newly created for the most outstanding member of our club. 10/2
WR police Chief Murtha helping to honor “OI Police Officer of the year” Officer Dwayne Baker. 9/18
Edgewater Police Department - Honoring our first responders from our neighboring law enforcement community 9/11
WR Optimist speaker 9/4- David Freede Community educator for Alzheimer’s
Skateboard Charity- Misty Forte & Tanya Speakers supporting community social outlets for kids and families. 08/28
Our Annual Pancake Supper Community Event / Fundraiser for the Wheat Ridge Optimist Club.
Lisa Denton- received a $500 check for bringing the most elementary kids to participate in the Farmers 5K race @ WRHS 2024
WROC members and friends on tour of the Denver Police Museum and CSI Unit lead by former officers Barbara Cisneros and Chris Hoag.
Jack at the ROK Family Tree back packs for battered women (ROK is Rotary, Optimists, Kiwanis coming together to support the community)
Carma, Tony & Linda at the Optimist CO/WY District Conference.
New member recognition left to right. Matt, Alex, and George. With Linda and Tony doing the induction. 1/2024
AWRSAY Get-it-Done Breakfast at RRCC 2023
OI CO/WY District quarterly conference.
Pancake Supper
Carl Cerveny tribute parade 2020
Friday morning breakfast.
Joey DeMott donated a check (from the 3 painted bench auction) to the WR Optimist club thru Guy Nahmiach from the WR Gazette for what our club did at this year’s Carnation Festival.
2023 JOI Conference
2023 JOI Conference
2023 JOI Conference
2023 JOI Conference
2023 JOI Conference
JOI Prospect Valley Elementary School club fundraiser.
That morning, December 8th 2023, they raised over $700 and gave it all to a local charity of their choice.